Episode 95: G.I. Joe: Retalliation

GI Joe 2.jpg

We hit a lull in the Tatumverse as we return to the G.I. Joe franchise, a thing we still don’t understand the existence of (Bruce Willis shows up? There is a gun montage? Half of it takes place in Tokyo?). In this episode, Wesleigh shares a cat-related life hack, we reveal what the first movie we each watched in 2019 was, and Katie becomes a socialist.

Show Notes

IMDb: G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
Rotten Tomatoes: 29%
Rated: PG-13

Strong Bad
Park and Recs: Temptation Island, The Bachelor, FYRE (Netflix), The Good Place, The Masked Singer
Seth Rogen / Lonely Island Fyre Festival movie

Josh at Fyre Fest:


Jasper Fforde
Patty Jenkins (Sally is a different person!)
Not sponsored by Pretty Litter



Wesleigh: 1 Tatum
Katie: 1 Mostly Dead Tatum

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