Katie and Wesleigh have been having themed movie nights for years and finally thought, why don't we share these with everyone? Instead of posting an open invite to the world to show up in our living rooms, we opted to start a podcast, so you can hang out with us on your own couch (or wherever you choose to listen). We noticed that there aren't a lot of female-hosted shows talking about movies on the internet, and decided to change that.
Special Features:
the tatumverse
We'll be reviewing all of our favorite boy Channing Tatum's catalog, in chronological order, every fifth episode.
Would You Watch This?
Rather than review a full movie, we'll watch trailers and discuss if we'd actually watch the final product.
“Katie is a winsome lass of splendid repute.” — Katie’s Mom By trade, she is a Hair Stylist and owns a salon. By experience, she is an Event Designer, Funny Person, and Potty Trainer Extraordinaire. Her excitement for film began with a dream of becoming a cartoonist, and will likely die with this podcast (TBD). Once Katie realized Chasing Pavements is actually a song about marathon training, she converted to a strict diet of Broadway musicals and Childish Gambino. Katie does not do Crossfit.
Wesleigh is a classic introvert who enjoys podcasting because she doesn't have to worry about nervously crying in front of a live audience. She loves all things peach flavored, collects copies of Jane Eyre, and will swerve to avoid running over woolly worms on the road, as her mother taught her. Wesleigh recently discovered all of her favorite family recipes use Miracle Whip — even the desserts — and is 100% okay with that revelation.
Tallulah & Matilda
Based on where we record the episode you may hear us talking about our cats, the official mascots of Viewing Party.
Tallulah is a cat/unicorn hybrid creature. She came to be in Katie’s life as a professional Pet on Valentine’s Day of 2017. Tallulah runs her life on a tight schedule of Being Pet, Purring, Licking Things, and Napping. She is particularly skilled at fetching curious items from around the house and presenting them to humans, such as gloves, mints, and drywall.
Matilda lives up to cat stereotypes by loving yarn and has been known to drag long pieces around the house in hopes that you'll play with her. She's very good at trying to wake Wesleigh up in time for work, thought she isn't often successful, and enjoys parkouring off the hallway walls. Matilda inexplicably loves Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pies.