
Episode 85: 21 Jump Street

Episode 85: 21 Jump Street
Viewing Party
21 jump street.jpg

Grab your backpacks, we’re two-strapping it all the way to 21 Jump Street! We’re in the Tatumverse this week to cover a movie we didn’t want to like but did anyway. In this episode, we hear about Katie’s fandom for this franchise, Hannah joins us and spoils a 20 year old Nicholas Cage movie, and Wesleigh shares about an unlikely spinoff.

Show Notes

IMDb: 21 Jump Street (2012)
Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
Rated: R

Park and Rec: Barry, Black Panther, Sense and Sensibility, City of Angels
Lena Dunham on Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert
Tarantino Manson movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jump Street series opening theme song:

Carpool Karaoke with Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally:

Friends by Flight of the Concords:



Wesleigh: 21 Channings
Katie: 8 Tatums out of 10, would Tatum again
Hannah: 8.2 Tatums (not enough jumping in streets)

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